We are sorry! The LoveCalculator Prank is no longer available!
The LoveCalculator Prank is no longer available due to the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which goes into effect on May 25th, 2018.
Most of the functionality of the old site is still available here on this site (at LoveTest.com), however you can no longer trick your friends into revealing their secret crushes. We take your privacy very seriously and therefore no test results are saved, stored on our server or transmitted to other parties. LoveTest.com is completely anonymous, private and secure: no personal data is saved or stored!
Please check out the our quiz central with fun personality quizzes or the original internet lovetest which has been available since 1996.
Once again, we're sorry that the old LoveCalculator Prank is no longer available.
Check out the free quizzes below 🙂
The Free Internet Love Tester
Get advice based on the 40 answers to this lovetest. It also calculates the compatibility between you and your sweetheart using numerology based on the names that were entered. The Love Test also provides astrological compatibility information about the selected zodiac signs. Now gives you the meaning of your name as well!