Welcome to our featured books section.
A lot has been written about love, romance and relationships, however it’s not always easy to find the right book for your own situation.
Below, you can find a list of books which are the most popular ones when it comes to topics of the heart. Take this list as a starting point to discover your inner self and as a guide to a healthy, fulfilling and happy relationship.
Romantic Articles
- Rocky Road Turned Into Heavenly Hash
- My Dating Savior
- World’s Most Romantic Proposal Also One The Cheapest
- Questions, Questions And More Questions
- How To Drive Your Man Wild
- More free information and articles…
Rocky Road Turned Into Heavenly Hash
Has your relationship been rocky at times? Probably more than you ever thought it would be. You can now turn that Rocky Road into Heavenly Hash thanks to Michael Webb’s new book, 50 Secrets of Blissful Relationships.
“Even bad relationships can be transformed” says Webb “if they just know how to act. The problem is that there are so few great marriages around to know what one even looks like. We don’t have the role models in our homes so we need to find some elsewhere. That is what I did.”
Webb searched for over 20 years and found dozens of couples in blissful relationships and began figuring out what all had in common. He discovered why they didn’t fight and how they handled tough issues like financial debt, in-laws, criticism, flirting and others.
Thankfully, Webb is willing to share the secrets he searched so long to find. Click here.
My Dating Savior
If someone asks me out on yet one more “dinner and a movie” date I’m going to scream. Doesn’t anyone have a brain or an imagination anymore?
I had so many better dates in college where we didn’t have any money – we simply had to come up with fun things to do to entertain ourselves.
Dinner and a movie is an easy cop-out because it doesn’t take any thought and certainly no preparation. But I’d nearly give my first born child for another “real” date. Like where you go and “do stuff.”
Recently I have met my savior – my dating savior that is. Michael Webb (who is widely known as “Mr. Romance”) has recently put out a book, 300 Creative Dates. Now I have read other “dating ideas” books and this one is the cream of the crop. He deserves to call his dates “creative.”
Don’t let this get back to Michael, but with enough creative (and inexpensive) dates in this book to last for nearly 6 years of weekly date nights, he is charging far too little. Click here.
World’s Most Romantic Proposal Also One The Cheapest
When most guys (and gals) begin planning their marriage proposal, they instantly think of limousines, hot air balloons, fancy dinners and expensive champagne.
The RoMANtic’s Guide to Popping the Question is a new book that challenges the myth that one has to open their wallet to show what is in ones heart. A nationwide search for the most romantic proposals brought in over 7300 stories and the best 101 showed credit cards and bank accounts have little impact on romance.
The grand prize winner was a guy who creatively used a $10 piece of hardware and a $7 bathroom fixture to pop the question to his girlfriend. The other winning stories invested a lot of heart and sentiment into their proposals, but not a lot of cash.
Author Michael Webb, who is a popular talk show guest, has long been teaching men and women how to get back to the romance of days gone by. The best part about Webb’s book is that it will actually save you money on your proposal by showing ways you can express your love without opening your wallet. Click here.
Questions, Questions And More Questions
by Pat Stevens
After you have had a few dates with someone and you think it might be going somewhere, you begin to ask more serious questions about their childhood, family, job etc.
Eventually the relationship might progress to where the really tough questions must be asked. Like “have you ever slept with someone without using a condom” or “how much debt do you have”? There is no easy way to bring up these questions.
Recently, I received a copy of Michael Webb’s newest book, 1000 Questions for Couples: What you absolutely must know about the person you are with. This book is going to make those difficult questions much easier to ask.
The questions start off easy like “Has anyone dear to you died? How did you handle it” and “About what things are you most selfish.” They slowly progress (just like your relationship should) until you get to those questions that you simply can’t avoid if you are going to commit your life to living with someone. There are questions on drug addictions, abuse, child rearing, finances and lots of questions about sex. And because these questions are coming from a book, you don’t feel like “you” are asking them.
A special bonus that I really liked was the option to get 3-5 of the book’s questions emailed to me each day. That way I could forward the questions on to my beloved and we could each read over them and forward the answers to each other that night. I can see where this would be very valuable for those in long distance relationships.
While there are a lot of questions in this book that are crucial for couples in the dating stage, the majority of the questions are useful for people who are already married. If you value your relationship, I urge you to ask these 1000 Questions for Couples. Click here.
How To Drive Your Man Wild
If someone were to offer you more love, more romance, and more passion… each and every day for the rest of your life… would you be willing to give up just one dinner out with your partner?
I work together with Rassiter Romance Research to bring you some great books about how to improve your love life. Their books are mostly written for women but being a SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy) I also got my fair share of information out of their books…
When ever I tell my readers, like yourself, about a great book, I make sure that I’ve read it first and also like it. If it doesn’t pass my standards, then it’s no good. I’ve got several other books and products lined up which I wanted to promote but I’m still undecided. The cell phone booster which I ordered arrived last week and I’m still testing it. If the results are good, I’ll let you know how to get one. Anyways, I’m rambling again.
Ok, lets get back to that romance advice. The main book has tells you 17 different romance techniques. Those secrets show you how to drive your partner wild. It’s some good stuff. If you’d like to take it one step further, then you must read the 69 ways to tantalize your partner (a free bonus). Herbs for lovers is the third book in the package.
For less than the cost of a nice dinner out for you and your mate, we’ll reveal to you the secrets and techniques that will help your relationship soar… and let you enjoy the kind of togetherness and romance you’ve always longed for.
Take all the time you need to put this wonderful 3-book package to work for you and your mate. If for any reason… any reason at all… you are unhappy with your purchase… we will promptly refund every penny you paid. The books are yours to keep! Click here.